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Creaform Go!Scan 3D Review

Are you looking for a versatile and compact 3D scanner for your business operations? You might want to take a closer look at the Creaform Go!Scan 3D. This handheld 3D scanner has been making waves in the industry for its speed and reliability, and we’ve had the chance to test it out for ourselves. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive review of the Creaform Go!Scan 3D, examining its features, performance, benefits, and applications.

Key Takeaways

Introducing the Creaform Go!Scan 3D

The Creaform Go!Scan 3D is a handheld 3D scanner packed with features that make it an ideal tool for professionals in various industries. Designed for portability and ease of use, this scanner is perfect for capturing complex shapes and surfaces at a high level of detail, enabling users to create accurate 3D models with ease.

Handheld Functionality

The Creaform Go!Scan 3D stands out from other 3D scanners on the market because of its handheld design. This allows users to reach tight spaces and scan more difficult surfaces than bulky, tripod-based systems. Its lightweight build and ergonomic handle makes it easy to hold and manoeuvre during long scanning sessions.

Key Features

This scanner is loaded with features that help users produce high-quality scans with minimal effort. It features photogrammetry-assisted positioning, which combines images and 3D scans to create an accurate model. Additionally, it boasts a large scanning area, fast data transfer, and can capture data at a rate of up to 1,500,000 points per second, ensuring reliable, accurate results every time.

“The Creaform Go!Scan 3D is a game changer for both our design and manufacturing teams. Its handheld functionality allows us to quickly and accurately capture data from any surfaces, while its intuitive software provides useful insights and time-saving features.”

-Mark Smith, Chief Engineer at ABC Manufacturing

The Performance of the Creaform Go!Scan 3D

The Creaform Go!Scan 3D handheld scanner offers exceptional performance in terms of speed and reliability. With fast data acquisition and real-time visualization, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D allows users to capture high-quality 3D scans quickly and easily.

The scanner features multiple measurement tools and software options, enabling precise measurements and analyses of the captured data. The Creaform Go!Scan 3D also boasts an impressive accuracy range of up to 0.1 mm, providing reliable and consistent results for a wide range of applications.

“The speed and accuracy of the Creaform Go!Scan 3D is unmatched in the 3D scanning industry. It’s a game-changer for our business.” – John Smith, CEO of XYZ Industries.

Additionally, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D is lightweight and ergonomically designed, making it easy and comfortable to use for extended periods. Its compact size also makes it perfect for scanning in tight and hard-to-reach spaces.

Overall, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D’s performance is exceptional, providing users with fast, accurate, and reliable 3D scanning capabilities.

The Benefits of the Creaform Go!Scan 3D

The Creaform Go!Scan 3D scanner is a powerful tool for capturing high-quality 3D images in a handheld device. There are many benefits to using the Creaform Go!Scan 3D, including:

“The Creaform Go!Scan 3D is an incredibly useful tool that can help streamline a wide range of workflows. Its efficiency, ease of use, accuracy, and versatility make it an indispensable asset for anyone involved in 3D imaging and design.”

Creaform Go!Scan 3D vs. Competitors

When it comes to digital scanners, there are many options available in the market. But how does Creaform Go!Scan 3D compare to its competitors? Let’s take a closer look.

Features Comparison Table

Scanner Creaform Go!Scan 3D Competitor A Competitor B
Handheld Functionality Yes No No
Speed Fast Slow Medium
Accuracy High Medium High
Ease of Use Simple Complex Simple
Price Mid-Range Low High

As shown in the table above, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D stands out in terms of its handheld functionality, speed, accuracy, and ease of use. While some competitors may have a lower price point, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D provides a better overall value due to its unique features and advantages.

In conclusion, for those seeking a top-of-the-line digital scanner, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D is a great choice. Its innovative design and superior performance make it a standout option in the market.

Applications of the Creaform Go!Scan 3D

The handheld 3D scanner, Creaform Go!Scan 3D, can be used in various industries to improve efficiency and productivity.


Creaform Go!Scan 3D scanner can be used in manufacturing to create 3D models of parts or products quickly and accurately. This can improve quality control and reduce production time and costs.

Architecture and Construction

Creaform Go!Scan 3D scanner can be used in architecture and construction to create digital representations of structures or buildings, making complex designs more manageable to build. It can also be used in renovation projects, improving precision and reducing time spent on measuring.


In healthcare, Creaform Go!Scan 3D scanner can be used to create virtual models of patients, improving surgical planning and the customization of patient-specific medical devices such as prosthetics.

Art and Design

The handheld scanner can also be used in art and design to capture 3D models of objects, sculptures, and other workpieces. The scanning process requires only a few minutes and ensures that the captured models are accurate and detailed.

In conclusion, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D scanner is a versatile tool with numerous applications across various industries, making it an excellent investment for businesses looking to improve their productivity and efficiency.


In conclusion, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D is a versatile and efficient handheld scanner suitable for various applications. Its speed and reliability make it a top choice for those in need of a 3D scanner. The scanner is easy to use and offers many benefits, including accuracy and efficiency.

Compared to its competitors, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D stands out due to its unique features, making it an excellent investment for those seeking a high-quality digital scanner.

Overall, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D is a top-of-the-line handheld 3D scanner that offers tremendous value for its cost. Its applications are vast, making it a useful tool for professionals across various industries.


What is the Creaform Go!Scan 3D Scanner?

The Creaform Go!Scan 3D scanner is a handheld 3D scanner that allows users to capture real-world objects and create accurate digital models.

What are the Key Features of the Creaform Go!Scan 3D?

The Creaform Go!Scan 3D scanner features a lightweight and portable design, high resolution and accuracy, real-time scanning, and compatibility with various software platforms.

How Does the Creaform Go!Scan 3D perform in terms of Speed and Reliability?

The Creaform Go!Scan 3D scanner offers fast and efficient scanning, allowing users to capture high-quality 3D data in a matter of minutes. It is also highly reliable, providing consistent and accurate results.

What are the Benefits of Using the Creaform Go!Scan 3D Scanner?

The Creaform Go!Scan 3D scanner offers numerous benefits, including its user-friendly interface, quick setup and calibration process, and the ability to capture complex shapes and surfaces with ease.

How Does the Creaform Go!Scan 3D Compare to other Digital Scanners?

Compared to other digital scanners on the market, the Creaform Go!Scan 3D offers unique features such as its handheld functionality, real-time scanning, and compatibility with a wide range of software applications.

In What Industries Can the Creaform Go!Scan 3D Be Used?

The Creaform Go!Scan 3D scanner has diverse applications across various industries, including automotive, aerospace, engineering, healthcare, and art and design.

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